debops-contrib.etckeeper default variables

Package management options


The high-level package manager that's being used. (apt, pacman-g2, yum, dnf, zypper etc). This will only be used when your distribution was not able to predefine this.

etckeeper__highlevel_package_manager: '{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }}'

The low-level package manager that's being used. (dpkg, rpm, pacman, pacman-g2, etc) This will only be used when your distribution was not able to predefine this.

etckeeper__lowlevel_package_manager: |
  {{ etckeeper__highlevel_to_lowlevel_package_manager_mapping[etckeeper__highlevel_package_manager]|d("") }}

Version control ignore list


Role defaults list of files and directories which should not be kept under version control.

  ## There is no benefit in tracking Tor keys and it is a potential security vulnerability.
  - 'tor/keys/'

  ## Same with SSH host keys.
  - 'ssh/ssh_host_*_key'

  - 'X11/xorg.conf.backup'

  ## Files are generated and managed by libvirt and it is believed that there
  ## is very little benefit in tracking these files.
  - 'apparmor.d/libvirt/*.files'

  - 'zfs/zpool.cache'

Global list of files and directories which should not be kept under version control.

etckeeper__ignore_list: []

Host group list of files and directories which should not be kept under version control.

etckeeper__ignore_host_group_list: []

Host list of files and directories which should not be kept under version control.

etckeeper__ignore_host_list: []

Version control options


Which VCS to use to version /etc/. Choices are:

  • git (default)
  • hg
  • bzr
  • darcs

Note that any other VCS than git has not really been tested. You might have to fix some bugs in this role when you want to use them.

etckeeper__vcs: 'git'

User for etckeeper to use in commits if no interactive user was detected. Defaults to an empty string which results in no changes regarding the user use by the VCS.

etckeeper__vcs_user: ''

Email address for etckeeper to use in commits if no interactive user was detected.


etckeeper__vcs_email: '{{ etckeeper__vcs_user + "@" + ansible_fqdn }}'

Defaults to an empty string which results in no changes regarding the email address use by the VCS.

etckeeper__vcs_email: ''

Options passed to git commit when run by etckeeper.

etckeeper__git_commit_options: ''

Options passed to hg commit when run by etckeeper.

etckeeper__hg_commit_options: ''

Options passed to bzr commit when run by etckeeper.

etckeeper__bzr_commit_options: ''

Options passed to darcs record when run by etckeeper.

etckeeper__darcs_commit_options: '-a'

Uncomment to avoid etckeeper committing existing changes to /etc automatically once per day.

etckeeper__avoid_daily_autocommits: False

Uncomment the following to avoid special file warning (the option is enabled automatically by cronjob regardless).

etckeeper__avoid_special_file_warning: False

Uncomment the following to avoid special file warning (the option is enabled automatically by cronjob regardless).

etckeeper__avoid_commit_before_install: False

To push each commit to a remote, put the name of the remote here. (eg, "origin" for git). Space-separated lists of multiple remotes also work (eg, "origin gitlab github" for git).

etckeeper__push_remote: ''