debops-contrib.neurodebian default variables

NeuroDebian packages and installation


List of global packages for NeuroDebian. This variable is intended to be used in Ansible’s global inventory.

neurodebian__packages: []

List of group packages for NeuroDebian. This variable is intended to be used in a host inventory group of Ansible (only one host group is supported).

neurodebian__group_packages: []

List of host packages for NeuroDebian. This variable is intended to be used in the inventory of hosts.

neurodebian__host_packages: []

List of APT packages to install for other Ansible roles, for usage as a dependent role.

neurodebian__dependent_packages: []

What is the desired state which this role should achieve? Possible options:

Default. Ensure that repositories and packages provided by NeuroDebian are installed and configured as requested.
Ensure that repositories and packages provided by NeuroDebian are absent.
neurodebian__deploy_state: 'present'

APT repository configuration

Refer to for details.


The NeuroDebian repository component/flavor to enable. Supported choices: main, contrib, non-free.

  - 'main'

List of source types to configure for the NeuroDebian repository. Supported choices: deb, deb-src.

neurodebian__apt_source_types: [ 'deb' ]

The NeuroDebian APT repository mirror URI to use. Refer to for the full list.

neurodebian__apt_mirror_uri: ''

The OpenPGP key fingerprint for the key by which the NeuroDebian APT repository is signed.

neurodebian__apt_key_fingerprint: 'DD95CC430502E37EF840ACEEA5D32F012649A5A9'

APT pinning configuration


APT pinning for packages from the NeuroDebian repository. By default (without this pinning), both the official Debian repositories and NeuroDebian have the same preference which would lead to APT picking the package with the highest version regardless from which repository it comes from. As NeuroDebian provides many additional packages along with more recent versions of packages already available in official Debian releases, APT pinning is used to ensure that package versions available in official Debian releases are preferred even if NeuroDebian provides newer versions. The job of setting up the APT pinning is offloaded to the debops.apt_preferences role which is instructed using this variable.


  - package: '*'
    reason: |-
      Pin NeuroDebian with priority 80 which is lower then the official Debian backports (100).
      This also works when `apt_preferences__preset_list` is set which increases
      Debian backports to 400 and decreases Debian testing to 50.
    by_role: 'debops.neurodebian'
    pin: 'release o=NeuroDebian'
    priority: '80'
    state: '{{ "present" if (neurodebian__deploy_state == "present") else "absent" }}'