debops-contrib.fuse default variables

Required packages


List of base packages to install.

fuse_base_packages: [ 'fuse' ]

Fuse options


Set the maximum number of FUSE mounts allowed to non-root users. Set to default to use the number chosen by your distribution which is 1000 in Debian Jessie.

fuse_mount_max: 'default'

Allow non-root users to specify the allow_other or allow_root mount options.

fuse_user_allow_other: False

Fuse hardening


Should access to fuse and /dev/fuse be restricted to root and the members of the fuse group? Debian used to have a group called fuse and users which should be allowed to use FUSE needed to be in that group. As of Debian Jessie, no group is being created by default and every user has access to fuse. This was done to make it work by default with other packages which are based on FUSE.

fuse_restrict_access: False

Name of the system group ob /dev/fuse. Only users who are members of the fuse_group and root are allowed to use FUSE when fuse_restrict_access is True.

fuse_group: 'fuse'

Unix permissions of /dev/fuse. It defaults to 0600 so that only the file owner (root) and users in the fuse_group have access to FUSE.

fuse_permissions: '0660'

Which users should be allowed to use FUSE? Only takes affect when fuse_restrict_access is True. This variable is intended to be used in Ansible’s global inventory.

fuse_users: []

Which users should be allowed to use FUSE? Only takes affect when fuse_restrict_access is True. This variable is intended to be used in a host inventory group of Ansible (only one host group is supported).

fuse_users_host_group: []

Which users should be allowed to use FUSE? Only takes affect when fuse_restrict_access is True. This variable is intended to be used in the inventory of hosts.

fuse_users_host: []