debops-contrib.firejail default variables

Packages and installation


List of base packages to install.

  - 'firejail'

List of optional global packages. This variable is intended to be used in Ansible’s global inventory.

firejail__packages: []

List of optional group packages. This variable is intended to be used in a host inventory group of Ansible (only one host group is supported).

firejail__group_packages: []

List of optional host packages. This variable is intended to be used in the inventory of hosts.

firejail__host_packages: []

What is the desired state which this role should achieve? Possible options:

Default. Ensure that Firejail is installed and configured as requested.
Ensure that Firejail is uninstalled and it's configuration is removed.
firejail__deploy_state: 'present'

System paths


Directory where the system wide Firejail configuration and profiles are stored.

firejail__config_path: '/etc/firejail'

File path of the firejail binary. When set to auto, the role tries to figure out the file path via the which command. Note that which is executed in the context of the root user who might have a different PATH variable then normal users.

To use firejail from another location, set:

 firejail__program_file_path: '/usr/local/bin/firejail'

in your Ansible inventory.

firejail__program_file_path: 'auto'

Directory in which to create the symlinks when enabling a profile system wide. This directory path must be included in the PATH variable before the directory which contains the real program so that the symlink pointing to firejail is used when users try to execute the program.

firejail__system_local_bin_path: '{{ ansible_local.root.bin
                                     if (ansible_local|d() and ansible_local.root|d() and
                                     else "/usr/local/bin" }}'

Program sandboxes

Program sandboxes can be defined using dictionary variables on different inventory levels which are combined together.

For more details refer to program_sandboxes in the Default variable details section.


This variable is intended to be used in Ansible’s global inventory.

firejail__program_sandboxes: {}

This variable is intended to be used in a host inventory group of Ansible (only one host group is supported).

firejail__group_program_sandboxes: {}

This variable is intended to be used in the inventory of hosts.

firejail__host_program_sandboxes: {}

Program sandbox definitions used/set internally by this role.

    # The "default" profile is not intended to correspond to a program called
    # "default". Ensure that even if such a program exists, it will not be
    # sandboxed system wide without the role maintainers approving it first.
    system_wide_sandboxed: 'absent'
    # Might conflict with other programs using it. For example, Ansible and
    # BorgBackup did not work with this enabled system wide.
    system_wide_sandboxed: 'absent'
    # Causes dpkg install tasks to fail.
    system_wide_sandboxed: 'absent'
    # Did not extract when run in sandbox.
    # `unp` seems unable to detect that `unrar` is installed when with the symlink.
    system_wide_sandboxed: 'absent'
    # Needed everywhere. Did not work well with zsh and does not work for root because the profile uses --noroot.
    system_wide_sandboxed: 'absent'

Combined dictionary of program sandboxes as it is used by the role. This defines the order in which dictionary keys might "mask" previous once.

firejail__combined_program_sandboxes: '{{
  | combine(firejail__program_sandboxes)
  | combine(firejail__group_program_sandboxes)
  | combine(firejail__host_program_sandboxes) }}'

Sandbox all programs for which Firejail ships profiles or which have otherwise been configured below firejail__config_path system wide using the method described in item.system_wide_sandboxed. This variable only applies when the program was not configured using program_sandboxes. For that case refer to firejail__program_sandboxes_system_wide_sandboxed.

firejail__global_profiles_system_wide_sandboxed: 'if_installed'

Default value for item.system_wide_sandboxed.

firejail__program_sandboxes_system_wide_sandboxed: 'if_installed'

Workaround for desktop files

Some desktop files include a full path to the executable which would result in the program being executed without Firejail sandboxing it. For this, Firejail provides the firecfg --fix command which fixes those desktop files and saves them under ~/.local/share/applications/.

This section provides variables which you should use to do this for the users.

Those variables have the same structure as the users__accounts onces from the debops.users role. This allows you to include all users you configured using the debops.users by putting this:

firejail__fix_for_users: '{{ users__accounts|d([]) }}'
firejail__group_fix_for_users: '{{ users__group_accounts|d([]) }}'
firejail__host_fix_for_users: '{{ users__host_accounts|d([]) }}'

into your global inventory.


Global list of users for which the desktop files workaround should be applied. The list should contain a dictionary for each user with the username in the name key of the dictionary.

firejail__fix_for_users: []

Host group list of users for which the desktop files workaround should be applied.

firejail__group_fix_for_users: []

Host list of users for which the desktop files workaround should be applied.

firejail__host_fix_for_users: []

Combined list of users as it is used by the role.

firejail__combined_fix_for_users: '{{
  (firejail__fix_for_users       | list ) +
  (firejail__group_fix_for_users | list ) +
  (firejail__host_fix_for_users  | list ) }}'

Enable or disable Ansible task logging for firejail__combined_fix_for_users which might contains sensitive information. This variable should not be changed other than for debugging.

firejail__ansible_log: False