Upgrade notes

The upgrade notes only describe necessary changes that you might need to make to your setup in order to use a new role release. Refer to the Changelog for more details about what has changed.

Upgrade from v0.1.0 to v0.2.0

All inventory variables have been renamed so you might need to update your inventory. You will need to read the updated documentation and upgrade your inventory manually.

Migrating from other Ansible roles

This role tries to work for all common use cases and combine similar roles previously created by independent authors which basically do the same thing. Refer to Combine effords for details.

From martin-v.sshpreluks

All inventory variables have been renamed so you might need to update your inventory. You will need to read the role documentation and upgrade your inventory manually.

From systemli.rootcrypto

All inventory variables have been renamed so you might need to update your inventory. A subset of them can be automatically updated using this script:

## Upgrade inventory variables for migration from systemli.rootcrypto to debops-contrib.dropbear_initramfs.
## The script is idempotent.

git ls-files -z "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" | xargs --null -I '{}' find '{}' -type f -print0 \
 | xargs --null sed --in-place --regexp-extended '

The script is bundled with this role under ./docs/scripts/migrate-from-systemli.rootcrypto-to-debops-contrib.dropbear_initramfs and can be invoked from there.

You will need to read the role documentation and upgrade your remaining inventory manually.